Sunday, May 19, 2013

Travelling Singapore - Bangkok (Day 6)

Today plan is going to Universal Studio Singapore.

I purchased USS ticket vouchers from Indonesia, on a bargain price, only 65 SGD, the original price is 78 SGD, and all we have to do is exchange it with the real tickets. We took the MRT, headed towards Harbourfront, went to Vivo City to catch the Sentosa express coach, yo can use the EZ link card for this, it will cost you 4 SGD (for return trip and a day trip as long as you are on Sentosa island), if you dont have an EZ link card just purchased it on the ticketing machine near the entrance. Alight at the first stop, the clock says 10 o'clock, but when we arrived at the designated meeting point with the person in charge of our ticket exchange, he is nowhere to be found. I tried calling him but the phone isn't answered, okay i started to get jumpy all of a sudden. Then i decided to contact the person who issued our ticket voucher, via whatsap, and thankfully she was very helpful, she also helped me contacted the person, and after half an hour we finally met the person, and went inside Universal Studio.

First ride to catch is, Transformers, there was already a line for it, and it took about half an hour until its our turn. Basicly its a moving platform and 3D effect, but it's a perfect ride for starters, I suggests you take the front seat on the ride for better experience. After that we took the ride near Battlestar Galactica, the flying canopy on Jurrasic Park, Shrek's 4 D cinema, Madagascar adventure ride, Spielberg's special effect studio and the new ride Elmo Spagheti Chasing ride. We had lunch at Mel's dine in, and while we ate, outside there was a musical show and people are rounding up to watch it. Another show we catch is breakdancing performance nears New York avenue. We took many photograph, including with some of Universal movie character, shop some souvenirs to bring home, exited the themepark and headed to the giant merlion statue on Imbiah, it is about 15 minutes walking from Universal Studio. There we shop some more and went back to Vivo City.

At Vivo City my friend wants to buy some baby clothes, so we pounder around the mall for some baby clothes, and i wanna buy a suitcase which is on discount there. My accident here was my credit card got declined when i pay for the suitcase, so i borrow some of my friend money to pay for it and search for an ATM to draw money. After two unsuccesfull attempt, out of curiousity i tried one last time, this time i choose the option draw from savings account and finally i can draw money. This is my first time drawing money at overseas ATM, i really dont know how to do it in the first place, so all i try was trial and error. After that we head back to our hostel, put everything we buy and head back to Orchard, i wanna buy some Japanese food at NipponYa ION. We had dinner at ION foodcourt, its almost 10 pm so some of the stalls are closed, but we finally get to eat some singapore noodle for dinner.

We fly back to Indonesia the day after, I check in early because I wanna go to the airport together with my friend, arrived back safely at my homeland Bandung at 4 pm, there was a 15 minutes delay on the flight but the pilot says it was due the air traffic.

Next post, highlight of my a week trip to Singapore and Thailand

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