Friday, December 17, 2010

A bits of feelings

This entry is about what i feel right now about my fandom community, especially about the one that I'm dwelving my self in.
If any of you who read this are in the same community, perhaps you'll understand this (well, maybe not just yet).

You are all there, my family.
We've come from a complete strangers to the condition where we are now, in just in three years only. We've share laughter, shed tears, got angry at each other, we even might have bitten each other. Some of us have moved (you have left, but believe me you are never forgotten), move to other places, other cities or perhaps even other countries, or even move to other fandom.
When the news was told, can't believe my eyes, nor my own feelings...that it is bad news for me, even terrible maybe...
But, since there is nothing that I can do to stop it from happening, all I have right now, is wished that when the time comes, when it happens, we all still can be and will be, ONE BIG FAMILY. And when we finally get the new one, hopes we'll become one big family again. Hopes its for the best, for the good sake of everyone.
There shall be no one hurts, no one left behind, no one forgotten.

Thank you, and I thank you again, and I can not thank you enough, for giving me a new family, for becoming my new family.
Family will stay as one, forever.

*Sigh, finally relieved now. Some of the burden have been lifted.

1 comment:

  1. bitter sweet memories,...
    Like apple and cinnamon rhapsody,...

    "We've come from a complete strangers to the condition where we are now"

    oooo,.... co cuit,..

    *take the tissue*

    Undescribeable feeling,....
    Memories,.. everlasting,...
    Become part of our life,...

    we live under the same big blue sky,... I hope we can walk side by side,... in harmony,..
